One of the most important elements in reaching mastery in any discipline, including musicianship, is building healthy and efficient practicing habits. The practice that you put in will have a huge correlation with how well you do. If you want to accomplish anything you practice, you need good habits to provide you with the radically […]
Introduction As parents, we want our children to have a successful and rewarding school year. We strive to provide them with the tools and resources they need to excel academically, emotionally, and socially. However, sometimes traditional classroom settings may not fully address all of our children’s needs. This is where Inspire Martial Arts Classes can […]
How Inspire Martial Arts Teaches Respect To children. Martial arts is a great way to teach kids respect and discipline. It teaches them to think before they act, and to be mindful of their actions and the consequences that may follow. It also helps them develop self-control, self-esteem, and confidence. With the help of martial […]
Bullying has a negative impact on everyone. All successful human interaction requires trust and respect. Bullying destroys both. Being bullied can make you feel like you aren’t important. Sometimes you might believe what the bully says about you is true. Also, being bullied can make it more difficult to have friends. Bullying might give you […]
Is it easy standing up to a bully? No, It can be difficult and scary for your child! It takes a lot of courage and skills like we teach students at Inspire Martial Arts in North Royalton. That’s why martial arts like swimming are both essential skills your child needs. Most kids don’t want to […]
What is bullying? If someone has a different opinion or projects anger at you, does that mean they bully? Not always. Many times people don’t see eye to eye. If you meet someone for the first time and say, “you’re stupid,” is that bullying? The answer is no. That’s just a rude insult. For it […]
Ready to learn martial arts in North Royalton? Whether you’re new to the area or just signing up for kid’s karate classes for the first time, we can help. There are several North Royalton karate programs to choose from, but not every school offers the same level of high-quality instruction. Before you book your first […]
John Maxwell writes that “The true measure of leadership is influence – Nothing more, Nothing less.” I believe that a leader’s ability to influence others starts with integrity. That’s a word we hear a lot in life. “INTEGRITY.” We see people in our lives who walk in “integrity” and people who don’t. We will often […]
In an already busy school day, finding time for building character in schools and students can be a challenge. However, school is the first social structure the child encounters, and it provides an excellent opportunity for character-building. School is not just about learning concepts; it is also a place where a foundation can be built […]
Respect: a useful guide. Learn what it is, why it is important, types and examples. Discover interesting tips on how to teach it. What to do when we are disrespected? How do you learn to respect yourself? How to respect others? In this article, we answer all these questions. What is respect? Concept and definition […]
Everyone in life has setbacks, both big and small. The bigger ones may feel more noticeable, but even the smaller ones can take a toll on the way we think and feel. These challenges can leave people scrambling to keep up, and might lead to people reconsidering their paths and goals. Learning how to deal […]
“Self-confidence is the foundation of all great success and achievement.” – Brian Tracy Confidence is vitally important to a child’s future happiness, health, and success. Confident children are better equipped to deal with peer pressure, responsibility, frustrations, challenges, and both positive and negative emotions.And what is the KEY factor in developing a child’s confidence? YOU! […]
Teaching children how to be responsible isn’t just something that will benefit you in terms of giving you a child or teenager who is happy to carry out chores and doesn’t complain. It will also benefit the child because as they grow older this life skill will help them to get further, both at home […]
Your word is your bond. Growing up, this was one of the most frequent quotes I’ve heard. The idea of staying true to the word you give to other people was important, otherwise, you risk damaging your reputation. Yet somehow, nobody ever taught us the first side of that coin, which is that promises you […]
When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. – Thomas Jefferson Life is a funny thing… Life is a funny thing. It seems that it’s always testing us, challenging our resolve, while pushing us to the edge of what seems impossible. Most people look at these setbacks and see […]
It’s time again to set goals for the new year. When making resolutions, many people set lofty goals. While it’s a good idea to dream big and stretch yourself, these large goals can often be hard to carry through to the finish line. Instead, here are three simple but effective goals to set for this […]
With a new year, new goals are imagined, set, and hopefully achieved. However, sometimes those goals are forgotten or left unachieved by the end of the year. With that in mind, here’s a method that has worked for me when trying to reach my goals: Start with a big, compelling goal written down with a completion […]
With the excitement of the holiday season building, children and parents alike can often get caught up in the commercialization and gift-giving frenzy that so frequently accompanies this time of year. But it doesn’t have to be all about gifts, and toys, and presents. Christmas can be a time where we focus on giving back […]
With Christmas just over a month away(!), many of us will be hitting the shops – hard. It’s the busiest period for shopping all year round; however, it’s also the busiest period in a thieves calendar. And with the crowds, noise, hustle-bustle, and screaming children, it’s easy to get distracted or disoriented. Around this time […]
Inside: Stop asking your kid “How was your day?” because it doesn’t work anyway. Here are the best questions for kids that will actually foster a fun conversation. Every evening at the dinner table, my husband and I used to fall into this age-old parenting trap. “How was your day?” “Fine.” “What did you learn today?” “Nothing.” […]
Separation anxiety is so hard on parents and children. For a parent, it is brutal to see your child devastated. Then leaving them in that state of devastation feels terrible. Fortunately, there are powerful strategies that will help your child feel empowered when you’re gone. Whether you’re dealing with separation anxiety in children who are […]
Fear is the single biggest thing that holds us back. Overcoming fear is an essential step in achieving our goals and dreams. “Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson It’s one of most common reasons people procrastinate on taking action toward their goals. We fear failure, or rejection, or being embarrassed, or […]
We’re always preaching to our children not to trust strangers. Is the advice still relevant today? What is the best approach to ensure that they follow our advice? This article reveals that younger children lack the judgment and skepticism to recognize deceptive and predatory behavior. Predators know how to take advantage of their naivety and […]
No one deserves to be bullied. October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month and the perfect time to pause and educate your family on specific ways to help stop bullying online and off. Thanks to the Stomp Out Bullying movement, this month is packed with a variety of awareness events and tools to help parents, […]
Sugar- and salt-laden packaged foods are a fact of modern life. But they don’t have to dominate your family’s home food environment. See which boundaries work for my family, and that might work for yours! Many of you may be surprised to learn that my healthy kids don’t always eat healthy foods! It’s tragic, I know. The sad […]
Inside: These science-backed calm down strategies for kids are easy, engaging and will help your child develop strong emotional regulation skills. When it comes to children’s emotional development you’re going to be hard-pressed to find another skill as important (and as predictive of future success) as emotional regulation. Due to your child’s immature nervous system and still […]
Separation anxiety is so hard on parents and children. For a parent, it is brutal to see your child devastated. Then leaving them in that state of devastation feels terrible. Fortunately, there are powerful strategies that will help your child feel empowered when you’re gone. Whether you’re dealing with separation anxiety in children who are […]
Lockdown has been both the best and worst of times for our family. While I won’t get into all the particulars of both, some highlights have been eating dinner as a family more, spending way more time outside and making all things imaginable using yeast. It could be because all three kids are home, I’ve […]
Every day is an opportunity for parents and caregivers to provide the best gift possible, a strong foundation for a child’s mental health. If you had only one wish for your child’s future what would it be? Many of us would say “I want my child to be happy”, but what does that really mean? […]
After I tuck my kids into bed every night, I collapse on the couch, close my eyes, and sigh. Unfortunately, with four kids, I get about 2.7 seconds of peace before one of them asks for another drink of water, needs an extra hug, or remembers a month-long school project that’s due tomorrow. But after […]
Inside: Parents will learn five simple but powerful strategies to help their child maintain good emotional health by preparing them for the school year ahead. Will we have to wear masks at school? Can we still have recess? Will online school be the same as it was last time (in the Spring)? This was only […]
It’s time for my daughter to go to bed. It’s late. I’m tired. She’s tired. But of course, she’s also not completely on board with the “going to bed” plan. As a 3-year-old, she has definitely become more independent. Things she used to do without a second thought are now battles. She pushes each and […]
Allowing your children to practice Martial Arts is one of the greatest investments you will ever make. It will teach them valuable skills that will stick with them for life. Skills such as self discipline, confidence, self defense, confidence, body awareness, and to be great movers. will teach your children all of these things at […]
Your Karate gi is like a car. It requires appropriate care to function properly. Neglect it for too long and it deteriorates beyond recognition! To help your gi maintain maximum quality and longevity, follow these 6 points: 1. Wash After Each Use If you train like you’re supposed to (= producing tons of sweat), you should ideally wash your gi after every […]
Imagine the horror: You’ve been driving your kids to Karate class, tournaments, and camps for years. You’ve spent boatloads of money on uniforms, belts, grading, and equipment. You’ve invested hundreds of hours to relentlessly push your kids to the limit. Then one day… BANG! They quit. Just like that. You’re heartbroken. Flabbergasted. Why?! You try […]
We all need to hone the ability to regulate ourselves, and teach and model for our children and students how to do the same. That means sharpening our social and emotional skills so that we can function and thrive in today’s society—creating healthy relationships and health and wellbeing for ourselves as well. What are the […]
Kids are not naturally self-motivated. When your child’s mindset is not in the right place, even the most fun activities can be a struggle to get to. With that said, here are some strategies to help you work around lack of motivation when trying to get your kid to class. Be attentive to what your […]
We all need to hone the ability to regulate ourselves, and teach and model for our children and students how to do the same. That means sharpening our social and emotional skills so that we can function and thrive in today’s society—creating healthy relationships and health and wellbeing for ourselves as well. What are the […]
We all need to hone the ability to regulate ourselves, and teach and model for our children and students how to do the same. That means sharpening our social and emotional skills so that we can function and thrive in today’s society—creating healthy relationships and health and wellbeing for ourselves as well. What are the […]
We live in an uncertain world. Modern times from politics to illness to how the economy functions, racial and gender bias and even the opening and closings of schools and camps has taught us that. Nobody can perfectly predict what is to happen from year to year, month to month and even from day to […]
Steve Jobs, innovator, inventor, and game-changer died yesterday at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer. The news of his death, while bringing on mourning of an amazing thinker, prompted those who revered and respected him to focus on his noteworthy influence on the current way we live, work, and enjoy entertainment. It got me […]
Best friends? Worst enemies, buddies, adversaries, confidants, competitors? There’s no relationship like it– siblings! One minute they’re getting along and the next minute they are fighting tooth and nail like lions and tigers! Some parents might even wonder under the most extreme duress, will there ever be a day when they just get along? Important […]
As a parent, teacher or martial arts instructor, you might have had moments where children experience overwhelming feelings such as anger, anxiety or agitation leading to fitful moments, tantrums and melt-downs. Who hasn’t? Statistics tell us that 20% of young children have tantrums daily—this is normal. And as children get older, some still have trouble […]
Are we raising an anxious generation? Many would agree that we are. The causes of the uptick in anxiety among children has started to be discussed. We have started bubble-wrapping of our children and that leaves them unprepared for a life that we deliver them to at the age of 18—a life in which they don’t […]
1) You can keep each other motivated One of the most difficult things about an exercise regimen of any kind is sticking to it. You might be tempted to take one day off, and that leads to a pattern of skipped practices and classes. Working out with your loved one can keep you both motivated. […]
Do you or does your child have trouble saying “no?” Do you find yourself saying “yes” to your children when you really want to say “not today,” “I can’t swing it,” or just plain “no?” Does your child over-stretch or over-commit because s/he can’t seem to say no? Perhaps you or your child is what my […]
The development of a child can be fascinating to watch. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high-level developmental skills, the growth they experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are essential for children to learn, bilateral coordination is a necessary prerequisite for the development of a variety of […]
25 Tips to Help Foster Holiday Gratitude The holiday season can be a frenzied time of shopping, presents, and sugary foods. It is important that we help our kids navigate the whirlwind of temptation and indulgence by helping them to learn about gratitude, and why we actually celebrate holidays. A strong sense of gratitude has […]
In today’s world competition is everywhere and it often starts at a very young age. It begins as a fun, skill-developing event but can quickly become time-consuming and competitive. While some parents want their children pushed to help them learn the hard lessons of life, others want to protect their children from the disappointment that […]
All parents want the same thing…for their child to be a positive member of society and experience success. And while these are essential, they often come through a push to achieve and be the best in everything. Unfortunately, this often manifests as a comparison to other children. This comparison, however, often leads to stress and […]
The learning process is vital to the healthy development of a child’s brain and their experiences and interactions largely influence how this happens. This process doesn’t just take place in the classroom but in all areas of the child’s life. Because of this, learning is better approached when it is an active process that triggers […]
A SUPPLEMENTAL RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES COPING WITH OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER All children act out from time to time. However, children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), as defined by the Child Mind Institute, “have a well-established pattern of behavior problems that are more extreme than their peers.” Children with ODD display aggressive behaviors and have a […]
The people you surround yourself with in your life should be a source of reducing stress, not causing more of it. Choose to walk away from anything or anyone who robs you of your joy. Drama doesn’t just so happen to walk into your life. Either you create it, invite it, or associate with it. […]
Sometimes the nicest people you meet may have several piercings or may be covered in tattoos, and sometimes the most judgmental people you meet make it a point to go to church on Sundays. The sign of a beautiful person is not the person who may externally look the best according to society, but the […]
Many individuals choose to live above their means, which will eventually produce problems for them. If you can’t afford it at the moment don’t buy it, and definitely, don’t charge it. When you borrow something, be sure to return it-money included. Make sure you don’t blame others for your shortcomings, and admit it when you […]
- An Activity for the whole Family
- Back To School
- Benefits of Martial Arts for Children
- Curent Events
- Health and Fitness
- Helping Kids With ADD and ADHD
- Holiday
- How You Can Benefit From Martial If you're a Senior Citizen
- Inspire Life Skills
- Kids Martial Arts
- positive attitude
- Realistic Behavioral Expectations
- Stop Bullying
- Success Tips for Parents and Kids
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