I truly believe martial arts is the answer for many of the challenges children face today. Whether it be bullying, obesity, a short attention span, lack of athletic skill, low confidence or a poor self-image, martial arts can help.
1. It Can Help Develop Confidence
One of the ways that training in the martial arts helps children to become more confident is by showing them how to set and accomplish short, medium and long-term goals. This is done through the progression of belts. As a child experiences success in training, that success naturally transfers outside the school as well, making them more likely to develop the habit of setting and achieving other goals. Remember, success is the backbone of confidence.
Martial arts training also helps children face their fears in a safe, nurturing environment. As a child learns self-defense, their confidence grows and they become less threatened by those around them. Then, instead of sending out signals that say, “I am weak, I’m not sure of myself, I’m a victim,” they start sending out signals that say, “I’m strong, I’m confident, I am a nice person, but don’t mess with me.”
2. It Can Help Overcome Shyness
It starts with small things like learning to look people in the eye, learning to stand straight and speak clearly. Eventually, children come out of their shells and progress to more advanced movements. As they begin expressing themselves physically on the mat and become more outgoing in class, it automatically carries over into other areas of their life.
3. It Can Decrease Their Risk of Being Bullied
Very few things can benefit a child who is being bullied more than martial arts. That’s not just because they learn how to defend themselves (which is important) but also because a child who trains in martial arts learns how to project real confidence, making them far less likely to be a victim.
4. It Can Help Reform a Child with Bullying Tendencies
Contrary to what most people think, kids who bully benefit dramatically from martial arts training because it gives a child with bullying tendencies a healthy way to deal with their stress. It can improve their confidence and as their confidence improves, so does their self-image. This makes them less likely to feel the need to tear others down. Finally, although martial arts teaches potentially dangerous techniques, it puts a larger emphasis on the importance of respect and courtesy.
5. It Can Put the Power in Girl Power
A common misconception is that martial arts training is primarily for boys. However, nearly half of
all children training in martial arts are girls! Girls tend to learn martial arts extremely fast and it’s one
of the few sports where both boys and girls can play and train together. Martial arts training
empowers girls with the tools and confidence to handle themselves in any situation.
6. It’s Great for Siblings
Younger siblings often come to class with their parents and can’t wait to be old enough to join their big brother or sister. Martial arts gives siblings an opportunity to practice together and learn from each other in a structured setting.
There are many other benefits children can receive from martial arts training! To learn more about our life-changing martial arts program click the Link below.
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Chris Gehring